New Resource! Animated Ethics Video Covering Hatch Act Rules for Federal Employees Running for Elected Office

Last edited 09/19/2024
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Our ethics colleagues at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in partnership with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, just released a new animated video, Hatch Act Rules Feds Must Know Before Running for Elected Office.  You can find the video, which is less than four minutes long, in the Departmental Ethics Office (DEO) Mobile App's Video Library.


Are you a Federal employee and ever thought about running for elected office?  If so, you'll need to navigate the Hatch Act, which is the law that regulates the political activities of Federal employees.


This video discusses the difference between a non-partisan election and partisan election and explains how a non-partisan election allows you to run as a candidate and keep your Federal job while a partisan election does not.  The video also explains how a non-partisan election can turn into a partisan election and advises what Federal employees need to consider in those circumstances.  Lastly, the video discusses the special rules that apply if you live in a designated locality where an independent candidate is permitted to run in a partisan election for local office.


If you are considering running for elected office, please consult with or contact a DEO ethics official for further Hatch Act and ethics guidance as soon as practicable.  Additionally, please reach out to a DEO ethics official with any Hatch Act or other ethics questions.

USDA and OSC logos with Partisan Candidate Rules Sign in Middle

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