DOINews: Tribal Consultation Thank You from Secretary Salazar

Last edited 09/29/2021
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar meets with tribal representatives at the White House Tribal Nations Conference in November 2009Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar meets with tribal representatives at the White House Tribal Nations Conference in November 2009

On behalf of President Obama and the Department of the Interior I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who took time to participate in our tribal consultation meetings in December and January. We held 14 sessions in 7 cities throughout the country. More than 290 tribal representatives attended and we received over 700 oral and written comments. The voice of Indian Country has been critical in helping us develop our plan of action for the Department's new Tribal Consultation Policy. Again, we thank you for your time, thoughts, and contributions and we look forward to working with you as we implement our action plan over the coming months.

With gratitude,

Secretary Ken Salazar

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