Lynda Teller Pete

Artist Full Name
Lynda Teller Pete
Tribal Affiliation

2142 Irving Street
Denver, 80211
United States


I am a fifth-generation Navajo tapestry weaver, specializing in Two Grey Hills tapestries with high weft counts, using hand carded and handspun wool. I am available for commissions on other styles of Navajo weaving, such as Storm Patterned rugs, Burntwater, and period pieces from the late 1800s: Child Blankets, Mokis, 1st Phase, 2nd Phase, and 3rd Phase rugs known as "Chief's Blankets." I have collaborated with corporate clients on textiles and offer lectures, including Introduction to Navajo Weaving. I consult with museum curators, present at weaving conferences and symposiums and contributes print material for weaving exhibitions. Offers beginning and intermediate classes for Navajo weaving. Please check my website for upcoming Navajo weaving classes. Other products available, including Navajo weaving looms and Navajo weaving tools.

I accept commissions with reasonable timelines. Please call or email me for more information. I accept credit cards.