FISHERIES UPDATE FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 30 – August 5, 2017. Report #10.

The purpose of the weekly fisheries update is to provide the reader with an overall summary of the status of subsistence related fisheries throughout the state of Alaska.  The target audience is the Federal Subsistence Board and its Staff Committee.  The report was compiled with the assistance of the Federal in-season fisheries managers that provided weekly updated information by the close of business on Friday of the reporting week.  The goal is to have the weekly report posted on the OSM website,, by the close of business the following Monday.  Additional information on a fishery of particular interest may be obtained by contacting the in-season manager, visiting the additional web links at the end of each area report, or by contacting George Pappas.

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Don Rivard (907) 786-3882,
George Pappas (907) 786-3822,

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