
Interior Releases 2015 Status Report for Land Buy-Back Program


WASHINGTON – The Department of the Interior today released the 2015 Status Report for the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations (Program), which summarizes its implementation to date and significant economic impact in Indian Country. Since 2013, the Buy-Back Program has paid nearly $715 million to landowners and restored the equivalent of approximately 1.5 million acres of land to tribal governments.

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Interior, USDA Update Rural Subsistence Rule in Alaska


WASHINGTON – Making good on a commitment from a robust review of the effectiveness of the Federal Subsistence Management Program in Alaska, the U.S. Departments of the Interior and Agriculture today updated regulations defining which parts of the state are rural or nonrural, thus determining where federal law provides a preference for subsistence take of fish and wildlife on federal public lands and waters in Alaska.  

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Interior Department Cancels Arctic Offshore Lease Sales


In light of current market conditions and low industry interest, the U.S. Department of the Interior today announced that it will cancel the two potential Arctic offshore lease sales scheduled under the current five-year offshore oil and gas leasing program for 2012-2017.

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