Royalty Policy Committee

About the Royalty Policy Committee

On March 29, 2017, Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke signed the Charter establishing a Royalty Policy Committee. The Charter was amended on October 2, 2018.  This Royalty Policy Committee (Committee) is a discretionary committee established under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) and regulated by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The purpose of this FACA is to ensure that the public has knowledge of and an opportunity to participate in meetings between Federal agencies and groups that an agency either has established, or manages and controls for the purpose of obtaining group advice and recommendations regarding the agency’s operations or activities.  



Committee membership

Federal Members

The Secretary appointed the following officials as nonvoting, ex-officio members of the Committee:

  • A representative of the Secretary’s Immediate Office    
  • Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs
  • Assistant Secretary—Land and Minerals Management
  • Director, Office of Natural Resources Revenue  
  • Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs     
  • Director, Bureau of Land Management
  • Director, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
  • Director, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement


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Non-Federal Members

The Secretary appointed members in the following categories:

  • Six members representing the Governors of States that receive more than $10,000,000 annually in royalty revenues from onshore and offshore Federal leases.
  • Four members representing Indian Tribes. 
  • Six members representing various mineral and/or energy stakeholders in Federal and Indian royalty policy.
  • Four members representing academia and public interest goups.

A list of the current RPC membership can be found in the RPC Member Directory.

The duties of the Committee are solely advisory in nature. The Committee advises on current and emerging issues related to the determination of fair market value, and the collection of revenue from energy and mineral resources on Federal and Indian lands. At the request of the Executive Director (Designated Federal Officer), the Committee also will advise on the potential impacts of proposed policies and regulations, including whether a need exists for regulatory reform.


Contact Us

Mail: RPC Support Staff
1849 C Street NW MS 5134
Washington DC 20240
