PPA's Mission, Vision, and more

Ocean view with terrestrial vegetation in the foreground, tide pools and people mid-ground, Pacific Ocean

The Office of Policy Analysis has the culture, capacity, and network to lead, support, and coordinate effective, accurate, and creative policy-relevant analyses and programs to meet the needs of the Department and the Nation.


We serve the Nation and advance the mission of the Department of the Interior and its bureaus with innovative, objective, cross-cutting policy and economic analyses and program coordination.


To serve the Department and its bureaus, the Federal government, and the Nation, PPA provides policy- and decision-relevant analyses  and service to identify and advise on:

  1. Policy problems, that is, to help define the policy issue to be resolved;
  2. Expected policy outcomes, that is, what do we expect to happen given our understanding of how the world works and the possible policy decisions;
  3. Preferred policies, that is, which policy(ies) provide the best outcomes given a suite of policy options;
  4. Observed policy outcomes, that is, whether we have achieved the desired outcomes for a select policy; and 
  5. Policy performance, that is, whether we have been effective, and efficient in implementing a policy.

Further, we provide program coordination and leadership across bureaus or offices and with other Federal agencies to help ensure the fruits of the policy analyses are realized. Absent such coordination and leadership, a policy problem we identify may never make it to outcomes, or a preferred policy option may never make it to being evaluated for its performance. This is to say that our scope is anchored in these fundamental concepts of policy analysis, with some extension into program coordination.

Strategic Goals

To realize our vision and advance our mission, PPA identified four goals as part of our strategic plan:

  1. Support effective and efficient outcomes for the work of the Department and its bureaus through innovative, cross-cutting, and evidence-based analytical work.
  2. Support effective and efficient outcomes for the work of the Department and its bureaus by leading and coordinating cross-department programs.
  3. Establish the standing of the Office of Policy Analysis as a thought leader and “Center of Excellence” in and out of the Department. 
  4. Recruit, cultivate, and retain a diverse and effective team.

As we accomplish these goals, we will advance the strategic goals of the Department.

More Information

For more information, get in touch with PPA at PPA@ios.doi.gov.

Feature photo Public Domain (CC-0), 2022

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