Policy Analysis & Program Coordination


Given the broad and diverse missions of the bureaus and offices of the Department of the Interior, there is often a need for independent analysis and coordination. Under the direction of Interior senior leadership, PPA's Policy Analysis and Program Coordination Team reviews programs and analyzes cross-cutting policy issues from every corner of the Department. These reviews may seek to improve the performance of Interior programs or address the critical issues of the day, including the stewardship of our nation's lands and resources, the development of cutting-edge science, and the fulfillment of trust responsibilities to Indian tribes.

We also coordinate programs and activities that involve multiple bureaus and offices, including Federal interagency groups for which DOI has a major role or is required to lead by law or executive order. Coordination helps to align complementary initiatives and leverage current programs of work. It also reduces redundancy and increases efficiency across the Department, the Federal Government, and our partners.

PPA provides staff time and expertise to broad-reaching Interior programs that involve stakeholders both within and outside Interior, and issues that have broad-reaching implications for Interior's operations. Our staff is experienced and proactive in identifying and collaboratively solving multi-stakeholder issues.



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