Restoration Success Stories and Outreach

Restoration, as defined in the NRDA Restoration statutes and regulations, encompasses activities to restore, replace, or acquire the equivalent of the injured natural resources. Due to the breadth of this definition and the variety of natural resources managed by Department of the Interior bureaus and co-trustees, restoration can take many forms. Successful restoration of injured resources relies on the dedicated effort of NRDA Restoration practitioners within the Program and many partner organizations. Examples of restoration projects implemented throughout the country include: the addition of habitat to Fish and Wildlife Service Refuges, National Parks, state parks and tribal lands; invasive species control; fish passage in streams and rivers; construction of bird nesting islands; wetland, salt marsh, and eel grass bed restoration; and endangered mussel re-introductions. A few examples of successful restorations are highlighted below.

Further Reading

NRDAR Videos

NRDAR 101 

This short 2 minute video provides a basic overview of the NRDAR process and can be a useful tool to show to senior management to give them a quick snapshot of the NRDAR process. 

Screenshot of NRDAR 101 video

Reviving Dihiya (River Cane)

Roger Cain Reviving Dihiya
Cherokee Nation River Cane Initiative

Western Snowy Plover - Saving Species Together

Photo of Western Snowy Plover

Relevant NRDAR cases include:


This 6 minute animated video provides the basic concepts involved with Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) and Resource Equivalency Analysis (REA) in NRDAR cases.  These economic methods are used to determine how much restoration is required to compensate for services lost from a natural resource injury also known as scaling.  HEA is used to scale injured habitats, while REA is used to quantify the loss of a resource (animals/species). 

HEA REA Animation
Habitat/Resource Equivalency Analysis Animation

Story Maps

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