Order No. 3413 Transfer of the Office of Subsistence Management to the Office of the Secretary Sec.

ORDER NO. 3413

Subject: Transfer of the Office of Subsistence Management to the Office of the Secretary

Sec. 1 Purpose. The purpose of this Order is to transfer the Office of Subsistence Management (OSM) from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to the Office of the Assistant Secretary-Policy, Management and Budget (AS-PMB).

Sec. 2 Background. The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) is an entity jointly established by the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture to administer the subsistence taking and uses offish and wildlife on public lands in Alaska. The OSM, currently located within FWS, provides substantial administrative support to the Board pursuant to its governing regulations at 50 C.F.R. part 100 (Interior) and 36 C.F.R. part 242 (Agriculture).

With the enactment of the Department of the Interior's (Department) 2024 appropriations, Congress approved a transfer of OSM to the Office of the Secretary. Consistent with this guidance and in recognition of the elevation of Tribal sovereignty and additional efficiencies to be gained, the Department has determined to move OSM to the Office of AS-PMB. This proposal also responded to the concerns and input of Alaska Native communities and people-many of whom rely on subsistence use-and to the need to enhance program operations for all federally qualified subsistence users, particularly in the face of a changing climate.

Sec. 3 Authority. This Order is issued under the authority of title VIl of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, 16 U.S.C. §§ 3111-3126; regulations at 36 C.F.R. part 242 and 50 C.F.R. part
100; and sections 2 and 5 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat 1262), as amended.

Sec. 4 Organizational Changes. The OSM is hereby transferred from FWS to the Office of AS-PMB. The responsibilities and functions will remain the same.

Sec. 5 Implementation. The AS-PMB and the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks will effect the prompt transfer of personnel; funds for salaries, benefits, and overhead of personnel transferred; and associated property to implement the provisions ofthis Order. The AS-PMB shall work with the Office of the Solicitor to effectuate such amendments to the Code of Federal Regulations and Departmental Manual as may be necessary to implement this Order.

Sec. 6 Expiration Date. This Order is effective immediately. It will remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Department Manual, or until it is amended, superseded, or revoked,
whichever comes first.

Secretary of the Interior
Date: June 27, 2024

Secretarial Order No. 3413

Last edited 06/27/2024

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