Interagency Group on Insular Areas

Pursuant to Executive Order 13537 (April 14, 2010), the IGIA shall solicit information and advice from the elected leaders of the U.S. Insular Areas of Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin Islands and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and make recommendations to the President annually, or as appropriate, on the establishment or implementation of Federal programs concerning these Insular Areas. For more information about the IGIA, please contact .

Photos from the 2022 IGIA
IGIA Senior Plenary Session, February 1, 2022 Department of the Interior Stuart Lee Udall Building photo

IGIA Senior Plenary Session, February 1, 2022
Department of the Interior Stuart Lee Udall Building

IGIA photo

(Back row, l. to r.) OIA Director Pula; Assoc. Director for Puerto Rico and the Territories Sierra-Zorita; USVI Governor Bryan; Interior Deputy Assistant Secretary Nakoa; Delegate Plaskett (USVI); White House Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator Landrieu

(Front row, l. to r.) CNMI Secretary of Finance Atalig, White House Intergovernmental Affairs Director Chavez Rodriguez; Interior Secretary Deb Haaland; Guam Governor Leon Guerrero. DOI Photo, February, 1, 2022.

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