2012 IGIA

Presentations and Briefing Papers on Issues of Relevance to the Territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Marianas and the U.S. Virgin Islands

For the Senior Plenary Session of the Interagency Group on Insular Areas

February 28, 2012


  1. Joint Update on GDP Data Collection in the Territories BEA (Commerce)/OIA (Interior)
  2. Economic Development Administration - Commerce
  3. SelectUSA Initiative - Commerce
    Establishment of SelectUSA Initiative – E.O. 13577
  4. Insular Area ABC’s – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  5. Status of Energy Initiatives in the Territories – Energy
  6. HUD Programs in the Territories – Housing and Urban Development
  7. HHS Programs in the Insular Areas – Health and Human Services
  8. Initiative to Increase Travel and Tourism - Commerce
  9. Regional Cooperation in the Pacific Insular Areas - National Invasive Species Council


  1. BusinessUSA First Initiative – Commerce
  2. Census 2010 Data Products of the Island Areas - Commerce
  3. Education Recovery Act Awards - Education
  4. Environmental Protection Agency Support for Insular Areas, March 2012
    Environmental Protection Agency Support for the Freely Associated States
    Environmental Protection Agency – Region II Activities Surrounding Closure of HOVENSA Petroleum Refinery in the USVI
  5. Homeland Security (DHS) Overview of Programs in Insular Areas
  6. DHS Highlights on Parole Initiatives
  7. DHS - USCIS Guidance on Employment Eligibility for Hiring in the
    Northern Mariana Islands

    DHS – USCIS Guidance for Employing Freely Associated State (FAS) Citizens in the U.S
  8. Coral Reef Task Force Highlights – Interior and Commerce
  9. Salt River Bay Marine Research and Education Center - Interior and JICMS
  10. Historic Preservation Programs in Pacific West Region, National Park Service, Interior
  11. Insular Affairs Ensuring Compliance with Federal Grant Program Requirements

    Insular Affairs Financial Assistance Highlights in 2011 to American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands including Maintenance Assistance Program Highlights
  12. Insular Plan for Alternative and Renewable Energy (IPARE) – Office of Insular Affairs
  13. Social Security Administration SSI Fact Sheets
  14. Small Business Administration Offerings in the Insular Areas
  15. Treasury - State Small Business Credit Initiatives
  16. USDA – Briefing Report and Overview


  1. Special USVI Report on Economic Impact of HOVENSA Closing
  2. Delegate Christensen Legislative Proposals for the U.S.VI
  3. Written Statement of American Samoa Governor Tulafono to the IGIA


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

  1. SelectUSA, Commerce – Aaron Brickman, Deputy Director
  2. BusinessUSA, Commerce – Dennis Alvord, Director
  3. Army Corps of Engineers, Insular ABC’s – Tom Fee, Contractor
  4. USDA, Office of Rural Development – Gary Bojes, Senior Advisor
  5. National Invasive Species Council – Phillip Andreozzi, Deputy Director

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