PPA Staff Directory

Director's Office

The PPA directorate is responsible for the overall direction and operations of the Office.

  • Jonathan Steele, Acting Director
  • Melissa Jennings, Administrative Specialist

Policy Team

PPA’s policy analysts bring experience from across federal agencies and outside of government, and varied educational backgrounds, to analyze and synthesize policy issues for the Department. The policy team provides leadership and coordination on topics spanning the Department’s mission, including natural and cultural resources, science and evidence, and supporting our Trust obligations to Native Americans.

  • Janet Cushing, Chief Policy Analyst
  • Noah Van Gilder, Policy Analyst
  • Whitney Boone, Policy Analyst
  • Ryan Richards, PhD., Program Analyst
  • Yelizaveta (Liza) Khmara, PhD Policy Analyst
  • Allison Leidner, PhD., Senior Advisor for Nature Conservation and Management

Economics Team

PPA's economists bring a wealth of experience and education to help Interior address a full range of complex policy and economic issues related to natural resources, energy, and the environment. The economics team provides leadership and routinely works jointly with economists in Interior's bureaus, as well as with other federal agencies. 

  • Kawa Ng, PhD, Chief Economist
  • Christian Crowley, PhD., Economist
  • Kristin E. Skrabis, PhD., Economist
  • Ann Miller, Economist
  • Fabiano Franco, Economist
  • Patrick Lee, Economist
  • Melissa Braybrooks, Economist
  • Emily Silverman, PhD., Statistical Advisor

Program Coordination Team

Whether it’s for long-standing invasive species policies and programs or new, agile programs responsive to DOI's changing needs, such as facilitating cross-bureau collaboration for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, PPA’s program coordination team brings decades of combined experience and insight to advance the Department’s mission. 

  • Hilary Smith, Senior Advisor for Invasive Species
  • Alisa Wade, PhD., Environmental Protection Specialist
  • Meghan (Margaret) Powell, Environmental Protection Specialist 
  • Mark Frey, National Early Detection and Rapid Response Framework Coordinator 



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