Bureau of Trust Funds Administration Systems of Records Notices

  • INTERIOR/OS-02, Individual Indian Money (IIM) Trust Funds - 84 FR 44321 (August 23, 2019)

    Categories of individuals covered by the system:  Individuals covered by the system include individual Indians and Alaskan Natives (or their heirs); Tribes that compact trust programs, functions, services, and activities under Public Law 93-638 Self-Governance Compacts; current and former Federal employees and contractors who receive IIM account information or are IIM account holders, owners of land held in trust or restricted status by the Federal Government, officials acting in their official capacity to administer program activities, individuals owning purchasable fractional interests in land or who may be interested in participating in the Land Buy-Back Program; members of the public who make inquiries about the Cobell Settlement payments; acquaintances of IIM account holders, depositors into and claimants against IIM accounts; individuals who lease, contract, or who are permit holders on Indian lands; and individuals with whom OST conducts business. The system also contains information about private organizations that provide contact information about individual Indian account holders whose whereabouts are unknown to OST, corporations and other business entities, which are not subject to the Privacy Act. However, information about individuals acting on behalf of corporations and other business entities may reflect personal information that may be covered by this notice.

  • INTERIOR/BTFA-02, Box Index Search System (BISS) - 89 FR 68462 (August 26, 2024)

    Category of individuals covered by the system:  Individuals whose names or other identifying information appear on file folder labels of records being retired to AIRR, which may include: (1) Individual Indians or Alaskan Natives (or their heirs, if deceased); (2) Current and former Federal employees and contractors; (3) Individual landowners of land held in trust or restricted status by the Federal Government; (4) Individuals who lease, contract, or who are permit holders on Indian lands; (5) Members of the public and individuals associated with external entities with whom the Federal Government may conduct business; and (6) Tribes that contract or compact Federal Government programs, functions, activities, and/or services under Public Law 93–638 Self-Governance.


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