Federal Subsistence Board Closes Fall 2023 Sheep Season in Yukon-Charlie Rivers National Preserve

For Immidiate Release:

August 4, 2023

The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) approved WAS23-05 to close the sheep season to all users in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve (YUCH) within Units 20E and 25C from August 10 – September 20, 2023.

Last edited 08/07/2023
Contact Information

Robbin La Vine

907-206-0900 or 800-478-1456 


Emergency Wildlife Special Action WSA23-05 was submitted by the National Park Service requesting the sheep season in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve be closed for fall 2023 to assure the continued viability of the sheep within YUCH. The Board approved WSA23-05 recognizing a conservation concern due to a dramatic decline in the number of observed sheep within YUCH south of the Yukon River.

The most recent minimum count survey data from NPS shows the sheep abundance within YUCH is in serious decline. The July 2023 count was 72 total animals detected, a decrease of 67% since the last survey in 2018 and a 77% decrease from the long-term average. The minimum count survey observed only two legal rams across all survey areas. Unit 25B is not included in this closure as sheep abundance in the Ogilvie Mountains survey area has declined by only 28% since the 2018 survey. The closure only affects NPS managed lands in Units 20E and 25C. Excluding NPS-managed lands in Unit 25B from the closure will provide some subsistence opportunity while also allowing for State harvest. This closure within YUCH in Units 20E and 25C is consistent with ANILCA Section 816(b) and is needed for conservation of sheep within YUCH and to provide for the continuation of subsistence uses of the sheep resource in the long-term.

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.

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NR WSA23-05 Board Action Final V2 [pdf]

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