Assignment Opportunities

Current Detail Opportunities: From time to time, DOI-ITAP seeks to detail someone either from within or outside of DOI to assist DOI-ITAP staff on specific projects or tasks. These temporary assignments can vary in their duration, may be reimbursable, and can be full-time or part time, depending on the needs. 

  • None available at this time!


Current Technical Assistance Opportunities: DOI-ITAP depends on the expertise of current and former DOI employees and other technical experts to accomplish our mission. We field over 100 technical experts per year. Thank you for your interest in our current opportunities!

How to Apply

  • Send a resume and cover letter (as one document, preferably a PDF) summarizing work experience related to the skills listed under application requirements. Please submit electronically to the DOI-ITAP staff referenced in the announcement with the assignment title in the subject line.
  • Please indicate if your supervisor has already given approval for your participation.
  • All applications should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than application deadline. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Questions about the assignment should be directed to the point of contact listed in the announcement.

A short list of candidates will be interviewed by telephone. All candidates will be notified of the results of the selection process by email. The position is open to all applicants who meet the stated requirements. If you do not receive an email acknowledgement of receipt of your application, please inquire with the project manager listed in the announcement.

All applicants must secure approval from their supervisors to apply for a DOI-ITAP assignment. Supervisors will then adhere to their Bureau requirements for any additional approvals required. For Bureau requirements, applicants should contact their appropriate Bureau International Affairs point of contact. All NPS, BOR, BLM, and USGS applicants must copy their International Affairs points of contact when they submit their applications to DOI-ITAP.

If selected for a short-term assignment, it is imperative that each specialist thoroughly understand and follow DOI Passport Policies and Procedures and DOI-ITAP Travel Policies.

For Former DOI Employees

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