DOI Financial Assistance Policies and Guidance

DOI Financial Assistance Transition from DUNS to Unique Entity Identifier

On April 4, 2022, the Federal government transitioned to using the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) in place of the DUNS number to uniquely identify entities doing business with the government. Learn more about DOI's implementation of this transition here:


COVID-19 Updates for Financial Assistance Recipients:

While Congress provides the statutory authority to award financial assistance, there are many types of requirements, policies and guidance that must be followed to manage financial assistance. Statutes enacted by Congress hold the most authority, followed by federal regulations that detail how the executive branch interprets those statutes. DOI has also developed numerous internal and external policies and guidance to ensure effective grants management.


Federal Regulations

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a collection of general and permanent rules created by the executive agencies and departments of the Federal government. Federal regulations are the enforceable rules behind the acts that are passed into law by Congress. DOI has adopted the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards to Non-Federal Entities guidance, which is commonly known as the Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) (2 CFR 200). The UGG provides a government-wide framework for grants management that reduces administrative burden for non-federal entities receiving federal awards while reducing the risk of waste, fraud and abuse. 


Financial Assistance Interior Regulation (FAIR)

The FAIR, 2 CFR 1402, is effective as of October 29, 2019. It supplements the UGG, and supports the Department's goal of improving its financial assistance program, consolidate the Department's financial assistance regulations and policies derived from the OMB Uniform Guidance, and streamline the implementation of OMB's Uniform Guidance and DOI financial assistance policy.


DOI Standard Terms and Conditions

View the latest DOI standard terms and conditions. Recipients and subrecipients of DOI grant and cooperative agreement awards must comply with the applicable terms and conditions incorporated into their Notice of Award.

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