Information for Businesses

Photograph of beaded moccasins with an IACB watermark.

How to Apply for a Listing in the Source Directory

Thank you for your interest in our Source Directory of American Indian and Alaska Native Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses.  If you would like to apply for a business listing in our Source Directory and meet the requirements, please complete the following application form.

Application Form

We ask that you return the completed application form and enrollment documentation to the IACB's central office in Washington, D.C. via FAX (202-208-5196; ATTN: Market Development) or at the following mailing address:
Indian Arts and Crafts Board
ATTN: Market Development 
1849 C Street, NW
MS 2528-MIB
Washington, D.C. 20240

Application Instructions

To be listed in the Source Directory, qualified individuals or organizations should submit the following information:

  • A Source Directory Business Listing application form that includes a draft of the business information
  • A copy of the business owner’s Tribal enrollment card (for a cooperative or Tribal enterprise, include a copy of the documents showing that the organization is formally organized under Tribal, state, or federal law). No business can be listed in the Source Directory without this information.

If you have problems downloading or opening the application, please email us ( or call us (202-208-3773) and we will mail or fax you an application. 

If you have an existing business listing and would like to update your business information, please fill out the application form and return it to us.

Source Directory Listing Requirements

Businesses in the Source Directory include American Indian and Alaska Native (Indian) artists and artisans, cooperatives, Tribal arts and crafts enterprises, businesses privately owned and operated by artists, artisans, and designers who are enrolled members of federally recognized Tribes who retail and/or wholesale authentic Indian art and craftwork.  

Also included in the Source Directory are several nonprofit organizations that work directly with Indian groups to develop art and craft products and markets.

  • The Indian owner of the business must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Indian Tribe*
  • If the business is run by an organization, it must be formally organized under Tribal, State, or federal law
  • If there is no shop location readily available to the public for direct sales, the business must be prepared to conduct mail order or online business
  • Most importantly, the majority of art and craft products offered for sale must be handmade by members of federally recognized Tribes
* The IACB provides services, including Source Directory listings, to enrolled members of  entities on the list published by the Bureau of Indian Affairs under the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994, 25 U.S.C. § 5130.  Consistent with other statutes defining this Department's responsibilities and obligations to Indian tribes, the Department interprets the first definition of Indian tribe in the Indian Arts and Crafts Act as those tribes listed on the tribal entities list published in the Federal Register. 

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