About Us

The Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance is led by a Director. The Director supervises all functions of the Office and reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary – Policy & Environmental Management.

The Office is organized into three divisions and eight regional offices. Each Division is led by a Division Chief and is responsible for providing national leadership and direction in the coordination and development of guidance on the Department’s environmental policies as well as program evaluation. Each Regional Office is headed by a Regional Environmental Officer who is responsible for all environmental functions within their region. They serve as a Departmental coordinator and an independent source of information and analysis to the Office of the Secretary.


The Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance:

  • Provides advice and assistance to the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget (AS – PMB) on policies, programs, and activities affecting the human environment, or on related issues affecting multiple Bureaus/Offices.
  • Oversees and coordinates the Department’s compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act under Title 41 (FAST-41). Implements and coordinates the Department's environmental review of non-Interior proposals, such as regulations, applications, plans, reports, and environmental documents, that affect the interests of the Department.
  • Coordinates reviews, ensures consistency, and issues guidance in all aspects of the Department's involvement with contaminated sites under CERCLA and RCRA. Manages the Central Hazardous Materials Fund (CHF) and provides leadership, oversight and guidance on the Department’s environmental and disposal liabilities (EDLs), the Abandoned Hardrock Mine Reclamation (AHMR) Program, and the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Committee/Council.
  • Provides leadership, coordinates, and promotes consistency in carrying out the Department's roles and responsibilities for oil spill response under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan and OPA, and hazardous substance release under CERCLA.
  • Represents the Department on the Recovery Support Function Leadership Group (RSFLG), which is chaired by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the National Response Team (NRT), which is co-chaired by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Coordinates Departmental activities on environmental quality matters with other Federal agencies.



Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance

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