Wildland Fire News

A selection of news releases and stories related to wildland fire management. For details about ongoing wildfires, visit the National Interagency Fire Center.

LANDFIRE remap marks major improvements (www.usgs.gov)


LANDFIRE released the most significant upgrade in its 15-year history this week—the most comprehensive land cover dataset the program has ever produced. The LANDFIRE Remap for the conterminous United States includes new national base maps across the product suite, as well as a promise of improved accuracy and ease of use for what has become one of the most widely-cited data sources in the Nation, both in and outside of the fire science community.

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Fuels treatments, wildfire & post-fire resiliency (storymaps.arcgis.com)


In 2008, the Bureau of Land Management West Desert District began a series of treatments near Grouse Creek, Utah to mitigate the risk of wildfire and reduce threats to sagebrush habitat. In 2018, these treatments were put to the test when the Goose Creek Fire started. The wildfire presented West Desert District land managers with a unique opportunity to assess whether the treatments were effective at modifying fire behavior, reducing burn severity, and helping promote post-fire resiliency.

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