Source Directory of Arts and Crafts Businesses

General Information for Consumers

As part of its program to promote American Indian and Alaska Native (Indian) art and craftwork, the Indian Arts and Crafts Board produces the Source Directory of American Indian and Alaska Native Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses.  Listings are provided to members of federally recognized Tribes and tribally run businesses.There are more than 500 businesses listed in the Source Directory. These businesses include Indian arts and crafts cooperatives and tribal arts and crafts enterprises; businesses and galleries privately owned and operated by individuals, designers, artists, and artisans who are enrolled members of federally recognized Tribes; and a few nonprofit organizations, managed by enrolled members of federally recognized Tribes,** that develop and market art and craft products.

Some of the businesses listed in the Source Directory maintain retail shops or open studios; others sell by appointment, mail order, or via the Internet. This information is provided in the listing, along with business hours, contact information, major products, catalog information, mail order, website details, and special services offered.

The Source Directory of American Indian and Alaska Native Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses is regularly updated. The directory of artisans and artists is available on the Business Listings page.*** 

Information for Artists

Artists* or businesses that are interested in applying for a Source Directory listing can find instructions for applying and the application form on the Applying for a Source Directory Listing page.

Downloadable Resources

Source Directory Listing Application

Free Promotion for Native American Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses

Sources for Authentic Native American Art

* The IACB provides services, including Source Directory listings, to enrolled members of entities on the list published by the Bureau of Indian Affairs under the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994, 25 U.S.C. § 5130.  Consistent with other statutes defining this Department's responsibilities and obligations to Indian Tribes, the Department interprets the first definition of Indian Tribe in the Indian Arts and Crafts Act as those Tribes listed on the tribal entities list published in the Federal Register. 
** Source Directory applications must include a copy of the tribal enrollment documentation of the business’s owner or documentation showing that the business is tribally-owned and operated.  The business must also certify that the majority of the art and craftwork it sells is produced by members of federally recognized Tribes.
*** The data contained in the Source Directory listings are for general information purposes only.  Business names, contact details, and product information are provided to the IACB by the individual artists and/or organizations.  While the IACB endeavors to keep the Source Directory up to date and correct, the information provided by third parties does not necessarily reflect the views of the IACB.  Links to other websites are inserted for convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those websites, or any associated organization, product or service. 

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