NISC Guidance Documents

The Terms of Reference codify the roles and responsibilities of NISC member agency representatives and provide more detail on the general coordination responsibilities of the NISC staff. The Annual Work Plans reflect these coordination tasks and puts them in the context of six (6) thematic priority activities that will help guide NISC activities over the coming year. Both documents align with NISC’s unique roles and responsibilities as identified in Executive Order 13751: institutional leadership and priority setting; facilitating coordination and cost-efficiency; raising awareness and motivating high-impact action; removing barriers to the ability of Federal agencies to prevent, eradicate, and control invasive species; assessing and strengthening Federal capacities; and fostering innovative problem solving through cutting-edge advances in science, technology, and programmatic management. 

NISC Terms of Reference 

NISC Annual Work Plan


Past Management Plans, Reports and Policy Guidance


Executive Orders

  • E.O. 13751 - Safeguarding the Nation From the Impacts of Invasive Species, December 5, 2016
  • E.O. 13112 - Invasive Species, February 3, 1999


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