Interagency Coordination

The Department of the Interior provides representatives to multiple different external organizations, committees and systems that coordinate emergency management program-related activities. 

The Department as a whole, and through its constituent bureaus and offices, is committed to meeting our responsibilities specified in the National Preparedness System, including the five National Planning Frameworks (Protection, Prevention, Mitigation, Response and Recovery) and the associated Federal Interagency Operational Plan (FIOP).

Bureaus and offices participate in interagency and departmental training and exercise activities to ensure readiness to execute responsibilities as defined in the National Preparedness System and other interagency emergency management plans.

Bureaus and offices coordinate and operate incident response operations in compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Section III Command and Coordination.

The primary Bureau  or Office assigned to represent the Department to a Federal Emergency Management -related Interagency Organization, Committee or System is:

Federal Emergency Management Representation by Department of the Interior Bureaus and Offices
Federal Interagency Organization, Committee or System Primary Department of the Interior Office or Bureau 
Water Resources Council  Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water & Science
National Search and Rescue Committee National Park Service
Emergency Support Function Leadership Group (ESFLG) Office of Emergency Management
Recovery Support Functional Leadership Group (RSFLG) Coordinating Agency for Natural and Cultural Resources Recovery Support Function Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
National Response Team (NRT) Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
National Wildfire Coordination Group (NWCG) Office of Wildland Fire
Mitigation Functional Leadership Group (MitFLG) U.S. Geological Survey
Federal Interagency Flood Management Task Force U.S. Geological Survey

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