FY 2016 Agency Financial Report


The Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Agency Financial Report provides important financial and performance information for the Department of the Interior (DOI). It is DOI's principal publication to Congress and the American people on the stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds and resources entrusted to us.  For the 20th straight year, the consolidated financial statements in this report received a clean (unmodified) opinion from an independent auditing firm.  In addition, DOI successfully mitigated the two prior year material weakness and remediated the prior year significant deficiency.  Unfortunately, the two prior year material weaknesses were re-issued as significant deficiencies and one new significant deficiency was identified in the FY 2016 Independent Auditor's Report.  We are confident these three remaining issues will be remediated in FY 2017.

FY 2016 Data Visualization

Data Visualization

The DOI continues to believe in the insight, flexibility, and value of alternative reporting methods, such as data visualization.  Data visualization allows readers to identify trends, relationships, patterns, and to easily absorb vast amounts of information quickly.  An interactive presentation allows readers to focus on specific aspects of the data that are important to them, thus expanding the audience engagement and increasing transparency.

For FY 2016, DOI developed three interactive dashboards to further demonstrate the power and flexibility of using technology to present Federal data.  

Click on the image to explore DOI value provided to the American people, our building footprint, and estimated future royalties.

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