Call for Proposals to Change Federal Subsistence Wildlife Regulations for the 2026-2028 Regulatory Cycle

Mountain Goat

The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) is accepting proposals through April 4, 2025, to change Federal regulations for the subsistence harvest of wildlife on Federal public lands for the 2026-2028 regulatory years (July 1, 2026 - June 30, 2028).  The Board will consider proposals to change Federal subsistence hunting and trapping seasons, harvest limits, and methos and means related to Federal subsistence uses.  In addition, the Board will accept proposals for customary and traditional use determinations, as it relates to hunting and trapping.  

You may call the Office of Subsistence Management at (800) 478-1456 or email with questions.

How To Change Federal Subsistence Regulations
Video - How to Submit a Proposal to Change Federal Subsistence Regulations

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