Equal Employment Opportunity

The Bureau of Trust Funds Administration upholds federal laws regarding equal employment opportunities in our work serving American Indian and Alaska Native beneficiaries. We promote awareness through special emphasis programs. We protect and honor the civil rights of our employees. We encourage employees to contribute to the workplace by drawing on their unique personal and professional experiences. And we expect every employee to foster a supportive, safe, and inclusive work environment.

The Indian Affairs Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Programs supports our efforts to maintain an equitable and inclusive workplace. Employees who believe they have experienced discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, language, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information — or believe they have experienced retaliation — are encouraged to contact an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) counselor for help. 

EEO Counselor Hotline

Mailing Address 
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Programs
1849 C Street, NW, MS-4660-MIB
Washington, DC  20240

Director of EEO and Diversity
Krista Hodges-Eckhoff

Deputy Director of EEO and Diversity
Linda F. Walker

Complaints Manager of EEO and Diversity
Catina Marsh

Special Emphasis Programs
Linda F. Walker 
Anita Gonzales-Evans 

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offers more information about the laws protecting Federal employees from employment discrimination.

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