Hunting News

2023 Fall Federal Nushagak Peninsula Caribou Season Opening


For Immediate Release: 

July 28, 2023

This special action is valid for federal public lands occurring in portions of Units 17A and 17C consisting of the Nushagak Peninsula south of the Igushik River, Tuklung River and Tuklung Hills, west to Tvativak Bay – residents of Unit 9B, 9C, 9E, 17 and Lime Village and Stony River

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Unit 7 Dall Sheep Federal Drawing Hunt Closed


For Immediate Release:

July 18, 2023

MOOSE PASS, Alaska – Seward District Ranger Ruth D’Amico, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the Unit 7 Federal subsistence sheep drawing hunt to the harvest of Dall sheep. The closure will be effective for the entire season of August 10 - September 20, 2023.

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Mountain goat harvest closed in Upper Blue Lake Zone on Baranof Island


For Immediate Release
October 13, 2022    

SITKA, Alaska – Sitka District Ranger Eric Garner, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the Upper Blue Lake zone to the harvest of mountain goats. The closure will be effective Friday, October 14, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in effect through the rest of the 2022 season, which ends December 31. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has issued a concurrent closure in the same zone. Additional mountain goat harvest in this zone could have long term negative effects on the conservation of the mountain goat subpopulation. The remainder of Baranof Island is open to goat hunting until the season closes, unless closed by special action.

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Federal subsistence moose hunting season to close in a portion of Unit 5A


For Immediate Release:
October 12, 2022

YAKUTAT, Alaska - Yakutat District Ranger Lee Benson, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the 2022 Federal subsistence moose season for that portion of Unit 5A west of the Dangerous River, except the Nunatak Bench, effective Oct. 12 2022 at 11:59 p.m.. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) will implement a closure for the State season.  

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Mountain goat harvest closed in Lisa Creek Zone on Baranof Island


For Immediate Release:

August 19, 2022

SITKA, Alaska – Sitka District Ranger Eric Garner, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, is closing the Lisa Creek Zone to the harvest of mountain goats. The closure will be effective Friday, August 19, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in effect through the rest of the 2022 season which ends December 31. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has issued a concurrent closure in the same zone. Additional mountain goat harvest in this zone could have long term negative effects on the conservation of the mountain goat subpopulation. The remainder of Baranof Island is open to goat hunting until the season closes, unless closed by special action.  

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