Subsistence News

Kuskokwim River Mainstem Fishing Opportunities


Pursuant to authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Manager, as In-Season Manager, hereby announces two additional fishing opportunities for Federally qualified subsistence users only

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Yukon Area Selective Gear Summer Chum Subsistence Fishing Schedule for District 4


This Emergency Special Action opens the Federal public waters of District 4 and the Koyukuk River to the subsistence harvest and retention of summer chum salmon with selective gear only (which includes dip nets, beach seines, manned fish wheels, and hook and line). In Federal public waters, these summer chum salmon fishing opportunities are limited to federally qualified subsistence users only

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Federal Subsistence Board Approves Temporary Changes to Wildlife Harvest Regulations


The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) approved Emergency Wildlife Special Action WSA24-05 to implement changes to Federal subsistence wildlife harvest regulations that were already approved by the Board during their April 2024 wildlife regulatory meeting. Due to the delayed publication of the final rule, approving this request serves as an interim measure to implement these regulation changes, effective Jul. 1-Aug. 29 or until the final rule is published in the Federal register.

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Yukon Area Selective Gear Summer Chum Subsistence Fishing Schedule for Coastal District and District 1-3


This Emergency Special Action opens the Federal public waters of the Coastal District and districts 1, 2 and 3 to the subsistence harvest and retention of summer chum salmon with selective gear only (which includes dip nets, beach seines, manned fish wheels, and hook and line). In Federal public waters, these summer chum salmon fishing opportunities are limited to federally qualified subsistence users only.

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