Subsistence News

Results from the Federal Subsistence Board Work Session


For Immediate Release:

August 3, 2023

During its August 2-3, 2023, work session, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) discussed and approved responses to Regional Advisory Council (Councils) FY22 annual reports, reviewed Council recommendations for changes to Council charters, and received briefings on updates to the Regional Advisory Council Correspondence Policy and a letter from the Southeast Council to the Board on transboundary river watersheds.   

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2023 Fall Federal Nushagak Peninsula Caribou Season Opening


For Immediate Release: 

July 28, 2023

This special action is valid for federal public lands occurring in portions of Units 17A and 17C consisting of the Nushagak Peninsula south of the Igushik River, Tuklung River and Tuklung Hills, west to Tvativak Bay – residents of Unit 9B, 9C, 9E, 17 and Lime Village and Stony River

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