HR Management Suite Information
The vision of the IBC's Human Resources Management Suite is to significantly improve the federal governments' business processes for management of human resources through seamless, end-to-end, real-time integration between HR and other systems, using Simple Object Access Protocol based web services.
In addition to basic personnel and payroll processing, IBC offers comprehensive integrated HR products and services through its Human Resources Management Suite. The HRMS includes an Entry on Duty System, a Workforce Transformation and Tracking System for federal employees, an Affiliate Workforce Tracking System for contractors, and automated staffing systems. Along with FPPS, these systems provide seamless integration, eliminating data redundancy and increasing efficiencies in personnel processing.
General Information
This provides single point data capture eliminating redundant data entry, and real-time sharing of data with other systems needing the data, resulting in efficiency gains, improved quality of data, and increased employee satisfaction. Standards based integration sockets support the concept of plug-and-play, allowing HRMS to integrate with solutions from a variety of vendors and federal HR Shared Service Centers.
HRMS is a suite of modules, also called bolt-ons, a system integration framework, and a set of standardized integration connectors. Currently the modules that are operational are: Affiliate Workforce Tracking System System, Entrance on Duty System, FedTalent, and Workforce Transformation and Tracking System. IBC also offers discounted purchase of Automated Staffing Licenses through Monster's Enterprise Hiring Management and OPM's USA Staffing. An eRecruitment connector is operational, providing real time integration between 3rd-party automated staffing systems, EODS, WTTS, and FPPS.
HRMS received its Authorization to Operate in May 2009 and is subject to continuous monitoring per NIST 800-37.
Automated Staffing Licenses
IBC offers economies of scale discount license purchases for two best of breed automated staffing solutions: Monster's Enterprise Hiring Management, and OPM's USA Staffing. Customers acquiring these products through the IBC contract are likely to realize greater savings than possible if they purchase subscriptions directly from the vendors.
Affiliate Workforce Tracking System (AWTS)
The Affiliate Workforce Tracking system was designed to track an agency's contract staff. AWTS allows users to enter, track, and report data on contractors, their HSPD-12 information, history of assignment to contracts, history of work recorded by organization, assignment and status of training and access to systems. The system is role-based and is primarily used by Contracting Officer's Representatives. Additional roles include Contracting Officer and Program Manager. User IDs are assigned to new users. Passwords can be managed by employee self-service through the AWTS login page.
Planning Workforce Management System (PWTS)
PWTS is a secure and customizable position allocation and resource planning, sharing and forecasting tool. It provides an organization with visibility as to how to best structure, plan and manage organizational staffing needs and requirements in order to promote workforce optimization.
PWTS is role-based and primarily used to search available position slots, create new slots, loan/borrow slots within an organization, move/transfer slots as well as make slots vacant. The system includes data such as WTTS ID, Position ID and Position Details, Slot Occupant Name, Vacancy Open/Closed Dates, Slot Status, FPPS Transaction Number, ECI and Budget Information.
PWTS integrates with the Datamart for reporting and data visualization using Oracle Analytics Server and receives relevant FPPS data feeds on a nightly basis (including employee, position, organization, and FPPS user security information).
Workforce Transformation and Tracking System and Entrance on Duty System (WTTS)
WTTS allows supervisors or HR specialists to create and track vacancies in advance of creation of SF52 actions. Personnel and payroll information is sent real time to FPPS, eliminating the need for HR to re-enter data into FPPS. This results in generation of SF52 actions in FPPS directly from WTTS. It is also one-stop shopping for real-time status of vacancies, announcements, and on-boarding with data from automated staffing systems, FPPS, and EODS. Authorized users (supervisors, HR specialists, security, and facilities) can view the entry on duty date and location for new hires. WTTS has real time interfaces with FPPS and two automated staffing systems—Monster's Enterprise Hiring Management and OPM's USA Staffing.
EODS provides a library of online forms to be filled out by a new hire. The forms are prefilled with information entered by the selectee during their application process. The EODS is available securely through the public Internet. HR specialists can assign forms for completion by the new hire, track progress, and approve forms on-line. New Hires can view messages from the HR Office regarding the status of forms submitted.
For additional information, contact us.
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