Interior Library

Where DOI Employees Get Their Information

The Interior Library provides a full range of professional reference and research services, available to Interior employees in both the Washington, DC, area and nationwide. The collections include Departmental publications, as well as related books, journals, electronic databases and other resources that support the mission of the Department, its agencies, and bureaus.

Search the Library's Catalog

The Library's own collections include some 176,000 current and historical publications.

Contact Us

A staff member is available Monday through Friday (except federal holidays) from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Upcoming Programs

Park Ranger Speaker Series

The Great Compromise: The Origin Story of Big Cypress National Preserve
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET

The concept of Big Cypress National Preserve was born from an exercise in compromise. Everyone saw the importance of protecting the swamp, but many did not want this region added to nearby Everglades National Park. Many felt that national parks were managed in a restrictive manner and access to the swamp would be lost. The resulting compromise created a new land management concept -- a national preserve.

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar information for this program. 

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Training Sessions

Secondary Sources on Westlaw
Thursday, October 3, 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET

Secondary sources are vital legal tools that provide essential guidance and analysis in every area of the law. They are a good place to start legal research because they summarize the current state of the law and can help you identify important cases and statutes. You can get up to speed on a general area of law or dive deep into a specific subject. You can use them to find primary law authority. You may also be able to use them as persuasive authority in arguments to the court.

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar information for this program. 

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Electronic Resources for Departmental Employees

These databases are available to all departmental employees at their desktops. Employees who are teleworking may access them through the Department's VPN. Others must contact a Reference Librarian for assistance.

General Interest

Law and Public Policy

The Interior Library Reference Staff maintains access to the Lexis Advance, Westlaw and PACER online databases. Departmental employees can visit the Interior Library or contact the Library by phone at (202) 208-5815 or via the Library's Questions and Comments form if they would like a reference librarian to conduct a work-related search in any of these databases.

Find Electronic Books and Journals By Title

To help you determine whether and where a needed electronic book or journal is available among the databases listed above, we provide a complete, searchable alphabetical list of titles. If you're looking for a particular journal but aren't sure where it's indexed or is available among the Library's online databases, try this list first.

The list combines the full-text journals and other materials in all the database services to which Library users have access.

Also included are some single subscriptions as well as selected open access books and journals. Most entries include coverage dates, and all entries have links directly to the requested title.

Please direct your questions on database searching strategies to a Reference Librarian.

The Federal Depository Library Program     


As a member of the Federal Depository Library Program, the Interior Library provides local, no-fee access to Federal government information in an impartial environment with professional assistance. Anyone can visit Federal depository libraries and use the Federal depository collections. The Interior Library has received Federal depository materials since its designation in 1895.