Training Sessions

The Interior Library offers regular training sessions to introduce Department of the Interior employees and others to its services and to the information sources it makes available, either on employees' desktops or in person. Training sessions are presented via webinar.

Additional training sessions will be posted as they are scheduled. Please check this page regularly for changes or updates.

To register for a future training session, please use our Training Session Registration Form. If the registration form does not work at your location, you may use the Library's contact form. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Interior Library by e-mail at or by phone at (202) 208-5815

Webinar recordings of recently completed Interior Library programs are available upon request. Please contact the Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815 or via the Library's contact form for more information.

Upcoming Programs

Compiling a Federal Legislative History: A Step-by-Step Example for Beginners
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET

In order to find the legislative intent of a bill or public law, researchers need to compile reports, testimony, debate, and other materials related to that piece of legislation to find keys as to what Congress hoped to accomplish bypassing the bill. The final compilation of all these materials provides the researcher with a "legislative history" of the bill or law in question and hopefully will answer the question of what Congress intended with this legislation. Those inexperienced with legal research in general but interested in learning the process involved in compiling a federal legislative history will find this program invaluable. A specific Public Law will be the focus of a step-by-step piecing together of a legislative history using electronic resources available through the DOI Library such as the ProQuest Congressional database, HeinOnline, and This class will be presented by DOI Reference Librarian Shyamalika Ghoshal.

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar information for this program.

Understanding the Risks, Rewards, and Regulation of AI in the Legal Industry
Thursday, April 24, 2025, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET

Artificial Intelligence, and in particular Generative AI tools, continue to grow in popularity and will have a significant impact on how legal professionals’ complete daily tasks and obligations of their roles. As use of AI becomes more prevalent, it is critical for legal professionals to understand the risks and rewards of using these technologies in the workplace. In this session, attendees will learn about navigating the competitive advantages of responsible AI in their business strategy, eliminating bias, and what solution providers are doing to create inclusive, responsible technologies. Our LexisNexis presenter will also examine recent legislation and regulatory responses relevant to AI and what is on the horizon for the coming years.

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar.  Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits will be available for DOI Solicitor's Office attorneys attending this program. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar or CLE credit information for this program. 

Virtual Orientation to the Department of the Interior Library
Thursday, May 8, 2025, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET

The Department of the Interior Library provides a full range of professional reference and research services, available to Interior Department employees in both the Washington, DC, area and nationwide. The collections include Departmental publications, as well as related books, journals, electronic databases and other resources that support the mission of the Department, its agencies, and bureaus. Research materials in subject areas such as American history, Native American culture, biology, botany, natural resources, lands management, and water management can be found within its 200,000 print titles and online resources. Please join the Department of the Interior Library staff for a virtual review of these materials as well as other services available from the Library.  

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar information for this program.

Topical Research on Westlaw - Environmental Law
Thursday, May 29, 2025, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET

This Westlaw instructor-led course builds upon and expands legal research skills using Westlaw to delve into Environmental law. The focus will be finding case law, statutes, regulations, and administrative documents, as well as secondary sources, specific to the environment. This class will highlight the variety of ways environmental law research can be performed using Westlaw, encompassing the breadth and depth of these resources, along with a review of the best techniques to effectively and efficiently conduct searches using those materials. Included will be an explanation of the power of Westlaw’s legal search engine, WestSearch, to return the most relevant results, and the importance of KeyCite in verifying the status of documents on Westlaw.  

Please note: This program is only being offered as a simultaneous online webinar. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits will be available for DOI Solicitor's Office attorneys attending this program. Please contact the Library to obtain webinar or CLE credit information for this program.


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