Wetlands and Stream Conservation
Electronic Resources Accessible from DOI Locations OnlyGale Virtual Reference LibraryIncludes:
Web Sites -- Table of Contents
- Conservation and Restoration Projects Throughout the United States
- U.S. Government Organizations
- North American Organizations
- International Organizations
- Other Resources
Conservation and Restoration Projects Throughout the United States
- Chesapeake Bay Program
The Chesapeake Bay was the nation's first estuary targeted by Congress for restoration and protection. Since the 1980s, the Chesapeake Bay Program's partners have signed several agreements to reduce pollution and restore the Bay. - Elwha River Restoration
Webcams and information about the largest dam removal project in U.S. history, which took place in Fall 2011, west of Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. Provided by Olympic National Park, National Park Service. - Everglades Digital Library
A comprehensive portal to high-quality Internet resources related to the south Florida environment, including online texts, articles, reports, photographs, maps, datasets, educational materials, and historical records, as well as links to organizational web sites and agency home pages. These materials come from libraries, government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and others. - The Great Lakes (Environmental Protection Agency)
- Klamath Basin Monitoring Program
The Klamath Basin Monitoring Program facilitates the coordination and implementation of water quality monitoring in support of the stewardship, protection, and restoration of all beneficial uses within the Klamath River watershed, with the ultimate goal of restoring water quality. - LACoast.gov
Covers restoration of Louisiana coastal wetlands through the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act. - SalmonRecovery.gov
The website of the Federal Caucus, a group of ten federal agencies operating in the Columbia River Basin that have natural resource responsibilities related to the Endangered Species Act. They organize, and coordinate the federal fish recovery and water quality efforts in order to improve the Columbia River Basin aquatic ecosystem, and coordinate execution of federal trust and treaty responsibilities to Basin Native American tribes. - Western Waters Digital Library
Contains government reports, classic water literature, legal transcripts, water project records, personal papers, photographic collections, and video materials about the Columbia, Colorado, Platte, and Rio Grande river basins.
U.S. Government Organizations
- Environmental Protection Agency: Wetlands Protection and Restoration
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System
- National Wetlands Inventory
Provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - National Wetlands and Aquatic Research Center
U.S. Geological Survey - Natural Resources Conservation Service: Stream Restoration
- Natural Resources Conservation Service: Wetlands
- NOAA Habitat Conservation / Restoration Center
Provided by the NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation, which protects coastal rivers and wetlands - Wetlands Research and Technology Center
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
North American Organizations
- American Rivers
- Association of State Wetland Managers
- Ducks Unlimited
- Pacific Salmon Commission
- Society of Wetland Scientists
International Organizations
- International Rivers Network
- Ramsar Sites Information Service
Provides access to information on wetlands designated as internationally important under the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, 1971). These wetlands are commonly known as Ramsar Sites. - Wetlands International
Wetlands International is the only global non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands.
Other Resources
- FracFocus 2.0
Established in 2011, FracFocus is the "national hydraulic fracturing chemical disclosure registry." It is managed by the Groundwater Protection Council, a nonprofit group of state groundwater regulatory agencies, and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, an agency made up of governors of oil- and gas-producing states. - Managing for Enhancement of Riparian and Wetland Areas of the Western United States: an Annotated Bibliography
Compiled by David A. Koehler and Allan E. Thomas. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2000 (General technical report RMRS GTR-54). -
National Wetland Plant List
A national effort led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to update the North American Digital Flora: National Wetland Plant List (NWPL). The NWPL is used extensively in wetland delineation, wetland restoration and research, and the development of compensatory mitigation goals, as well as in providing general botanical information about wetland plants. It covers all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Caribbean and Pacific islands that are considered to be territories of the U.S.Updating the NWPL has been a cooperative effort of the Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, The Biota of North America, states, Indian Nations, the academic community, and the scientific portion of the public.
- Polluted Runoff: Nonpoint Source Pollution
Provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Stream Restoration Information
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service has collected links to documents that describe current best practices, including the Federal Stream Corridor Restoration Handbook and the Stream Restoration Design handbook. - Wetland Restoration Bibliography
Provided by the Association of State Wetland Managers - Wetlands Status and Trends
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a historical database that offers photographic evidence of land use and wetlands extent dating back to the 1950s. This provides an accurate record to assist in future restoration efforts. - Wetlands: an Overview of the Issues
A Congressional Research Service report for Congress, January 5, 2017