Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior, Issue #2212

September 25-29, 2023 

Below is the weekly list of Federal Register Items of Interest to the Department of the Interior. This list includes items appearing in the Federal Register during the week of September 25-29, 2023. If you have any questions or wish to receive full-text copies of any of the items on this list, please contact Interior Library by phone at (202) 208-5815.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2023

1. 88 FR 65748-01 
National Park Service M 
NOTICES U.S. Nomination to the World Heritage List: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge 2023 WL 6197231

2. 88 FR 65739-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service M 
NOTICES Endangered Wildlife; Recovery Permit Applications 2023 WL 6197227

3. 88 FR 65745-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service M 
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget; CITES Master’s Course 2023 WL 6197229

4. 88 FR 65749-01 
National Park Service M 
NOTICES National Register of Historic Places; Notification of Pending Nominations and Related Actions 2023 WL 6197232

5. 88 FR 65741-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service M 
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Agreements With Friends Organizations 2023 WL 6197228

6. 88 FR 65747-01 
Bureau of Land Management M 
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Authorizing Grazing Use 2023 WL 6197230

7. 88 FR 65657-02 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration M 
NOTICES Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Office of Naval Research’s Arctic Research Activities in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas (Year 6) 2023 WL 6197164

8. 88 FR 65688-01 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention M 
NOTICES National One Health Framework To Address Zoonotic Diseases and Advance Public Health Preparedness in the United States: A Framework for One Health Coordination and Collaboration Across Federal Agencies; Availability of Informational Webinars 2023 WL 6197190

SEPTEMBER 26, 2023

9. 88 FR 66045-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service  
NOTICES Endangered and Threatened Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Application 2023 WL 6214683

10. 88 FR 65939-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service  
PROPOSED RULES Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Species Status Assessment for the Northern California-Southern Oregon Distinct Population Segment of Fisher 2023 WL 6214778 

11. 88 FR 66050-01 
Bureau of Reclamation  
NOTICES Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group Charter Renewal 2023 WL 6214687 

12. 88 FR 66044-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service  
NOTICES Wild Bird Conservation Act; Receipt of Permit Application 2023 WL 6214682 

13. 88 FR 66046-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service  
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget; Sea Lamprey Control Program 2023 WL 6214684 

14. 88 FR 66048-01 
Bureau of Land Management  
NOTICES Temporary Closure of Public Lands for the 2023-2027 Rise Lantern Festival, Clark County, NV 2023 WL 6214685 

15. 88 FR 65940-01 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
PROPOSED RULES Listing Endangered or Threatened Species; 12-Month Finding on a Petition To Revise the Critical Habitat Designation for the North Pacific Right Whale 2023 WL 6214779 

16. 88 FR 65980-01 
NOTICES Applications for New Awards; Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)—Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants) 2023 WL 6214613

17. 88 FR 66232-01 
PROPOSED RULES Possible Revision or Elimination of Rules 2023 WL 6214781

18. 88 FR 65953-01 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Maintenance and Rehabilitation of the Bellingham Shipping Terminal 2023 WL 6214604 

19. 88 FR 66037-01 
NOTICES Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records 2023 WL 6214678 

20. 88 FR 66049-01 
Office of Natural Resources Revenue  
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities: Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Net Profit Share Payment 2023 WL 6214686

SEPTEMBER 27, 2023

21. 88 FR 67617 
Memorandum Restoring Healthy and Abundant Salmon, Steelhead, and Other Native Fish Populations in the Columbia River Basin 2023 WL 6374136 

22. 88 FR 66280-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service  
RULES and REGULATIONS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassification of the Relict Darter From Endangered to Threatened With a Section 4(d) Rule 2023 WL 6256938 

23. 88 FR 66351-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service  
PROPOSED RULES Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Reclassifying the Virgin Islands Tree Boa From Endangered to Threatened With a Section 4(d) Rule 2023 WL 6256962 

24. 88 FR 66501-01 
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement  
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Renewable Energy and Alternate Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf 2023 WL 6256869 

25. 88 FR 66392-01 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting 2023 WL 6256739 

26. 88 FR 66499-02 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact Amendment Between Suquamish Tribe and the State of Washington 2023 WL 6256865 

27. 88 FR 66361-01 
Farm Service Agency  
NOTICES Notice of Funds Availability; Emergency Livestock Relief Program (ELRP) 2022 2023 WL 6256726 

28. 88 FR 66366-01 
Farm Service Agency  
NOTICES Notice of Funds Availability; 2021 Emergency Livestock Relief Program (ELRP) Phase 2 2023 WL 6256727 

29. 88 FR 66499-01 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact Amendment Between Cowlitz Indian Tribe and the State of Washington 2023 WL 6256864 

30. 88 FR 66500-01 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact Amendment Between Nisqually Indian Tribe and the State of Washington 2023 WL 6256866 

31. 88 FR 66500-03 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact Amendment Between Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe and the State of Washington 2023 WL 6256868 

32. 88 FR 66500-02 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES Indian Gaming; Approval by Operation of Law of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of California (Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California & State of California) 2023 WL 6256867 

33. 88 FR 66439-02 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission  
NOTICES Golden Triangle Storage, L.L.C.; Notice of Scoping Period Requesting Comments on Environmental Issues for the Proposed Golden Triangle Storage Expansion Project 2023 WL 6256767 

34. 88 FR 66558-01 
RULES and REGULATIONS Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule 2023 WL 6256942 

35. 88 FR 66300-01 
PROPOSED RULES Prevailing Rate Systems; North American Industry Classification System Based Federal Wage System Wage Surveys 2023 WL 6256953 

36. 88 FR 66438-03 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission  
NOTICES Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment 2023 WL 6256765 

37. 88 FR 66392-02 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting 2023 WL 6256740 

38. 88 FR 66393-01 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to U.S. Coast Guard Construction in Astoria, Oregon 2023 WL 6256741 

39. 88 FR 66373-01 
NOTICES Notice of Public Meeting of the New Mexico Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 2023 WL 6256730 

40. 88 FR 66374-01 
NOTICES Notice of Public Meeting of the New Mexico Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 2023 WL 6256731 

41. 88 FR 66375-01 
NOTICES Notice of Public Meeting of the New Mexico Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 2023 WL 6256733 

42. 88 FR 66380-02 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to a Marine Geophysical Survey in Coastal Waters Off of Texas 2023 WL 6256738 

43. 88 FR 66319-01 
Federal Aviation Administration  
PROPOSED RULES Update and Clarification of the Passenger Facility Charge Regulations 2023 WL 6256960 

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 

44. 88 FR 66885-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 2023 WL 6291826 

45. 88 FR 66890-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 2023 WL 6291835 

46. 88 FR 66894-02 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: California State University, Chico, CA 2023 WL 6291840 

47. 88 FR 66889-02 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 2023 WL 6291833 

48. 88 FR 66891-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Louisiana State University, Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, LA 2023 WL 6291836 

49. 88 FR 66894-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: California State University, Chico, CA 2023 WL 6291839 

50. 88 FR 66887-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion Amendment: Louisiana State University, Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, LA 2023 WL 6291828 

51. 88 FR 66889-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI 2023 WL 6291831 

52. 88 FR 66700-01 
Administration for Children and Families  
RULES and REGULATIONS Separate Licensing or Approval Standards for Relative or Kinship Foster Family Homes 2023 WL 6291982 

53. 88 FR 66887-02 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 2023 WL 6291830 

54. 88 FR 66886-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 2023 WL 6291827 

55. 88 FR 66883-02 
Bureau of Land Management  
NOTICES Notice of Proposed Withdrawal and Opportunity for Public Meeting for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon 2023 WL 6291823 

56. 88 FR 66892-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 2023 WL 6291837 

56. 88 FR 66930-01 
Federal Highway Administration  
NOTICES Proposed Second Renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Assigning Certain Federal Environmental Responsibilities to the State of Arizona, Including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Authority for Certain Categorical Exclusions (CEs) 2023 WL 6291884 

57. 88 FR 66883-01 
Geological Survey  
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Ferrous Metals Surveys 2023 WL 6291822 

58. 88 FR 66695-01 
Bureau of Land Management  
RULES and REGULATIONS Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost Recovery Fees 2023 WL 6291981 

59. 88 FR 66884-01 
Bureau of Land Management  
NOTICES Notice of Temporary Closure of Public Lands for the 2023-2027 Laughlin Off-Highway Vehicle Races, Clark County, NV 2023 WL 6291824 

60. 88 FR 66769-01 
Administration for Children and Families  
PROPOSED RULES Foster Care Legal Representation 2023 WL 6291999

61. 88 FR 66864-01 
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration  
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request 2023 WL 6291783 

62. 88 FR 66929-01 
Federal Highway Administration  
NOTICES Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Transportation Project in Washington State 2023 WL 6291883 

63. 88 FR 66902-01 
Employment and Training Administration  
NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Department of Labor-Only Performance Accountability 2023 WL 6291854 

64. 88 FR 66812-01 
International Trade Administration  
NOTICES Announcement of Approved International Trade Administration Trade Mission 2023 WL 6291697 

65. 88 FR 66781-01 
PROPOSED RULES Establishing a 5G Fund for Rural America 2023 WL 6292000 

SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 

66. 88 FR 67193-01 
Fish and Wildlife Service  
PROPOSED RULES Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Establishment of a Nonessential Experimental Population of Grizzly Bear in the North Cascades Ecosystem, Washington State 2023 WL 6310523

67. 88 FR 67344-01 
Bureau of Land Management  
NOTICES Notice of Availability of the Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for the Redding and Arcata Field Offices and an Associated Environmental Impact Statement, California 2023 WL 6310409 

68. 88 FR 67359-01 
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management  
NOTICES Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial Project, Offshore Virginia 2023 WL 6310422 

69. 88 FR 67356-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Three Rivers, CA 2023 WL 6310418 

70. 88 FR 67338-01 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES HEARTH Act Approval of Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Residential Leasing Ordinance Leasing Ordinance 2023 WL 6310404 

71. 88 FR 67342-02 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES HEARTH Act Approval of Soboba Band of Luise˜no Indians, California Residential Leasing Ordinance 2023 WL 6310407 

72. 88 FR 67343-01 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES HEARTH Act Approval of Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Agricultural Leasing Ordinance Leasing Ordinance 2023 WL 6310408 

73. 88 FR 67357-02 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: California State University, Chico, Chico, CA 2023 WL 6310420 

74. 88 FR 67351-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 2023 WL 6310413 

75. 88 FR 67354-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion Amendment: Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 2023 WL 6310416 

76. 88 FR 67354-02 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: Arizona State University, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Tempe, AZ 2023 WL 6310417 

77. 88 FR 67353-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 2023 WL 6310415 

78. 88 FR 67357-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: California State University, Chico, Chico, CA 2023 WL 6310419 

79. 88 FR 67358-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of Inventory Completion: University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 2023 WL 6310421 

80. 88 FR 67350-02 
Bureau of Land Management  
NOTICES Notice of Public Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Resource Advisory Council, Colorado 2023 WL 6310412 

81. 88 FR 67247-01 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting 2023 WL 6310288 

82. 88 FR 67352-01 
National Park Service  
NOTICES Notice of the November 14, 15, and 16, 2023, Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reconciliation in Place Names 2023 WL 6310414 

83. 88 FR 67342-01 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES Proclaiming Certain Lands as Reservation for Kalispel Indian Community of the Kalispel Reservation 2023 WL 6310406 

84. 88 FR 67350-01 
Bureau of Land Management  
NOTICES Public Land Order No. 7930; Extension of Public Land Order No. 6476 for Wheeler Creek Natural Area; Oregon 2023 WL 6310411 

85. 88 FR 67349-01 
Bureau of Land Management  
NOTICES Notice of Withdrawal Extension Application and Opportunity for Public Comment for the Halliday Fen Research Natural Area, Washington 2023 WL 6310410 

86. 88 FR 67339-01 
Bureau of Indian Affairs  
NOTICES Proclaiming Certain Lands as Reservation for Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation of Washington 2023 WL 6310405 

87. 88 FR 67249-02 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Endangered Species; File No. 27686 2023 WL 6310291 

88. 88 FR 67251-02 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Endangered Species; File No. 23096 2023 WL 6310294 

89. 88 FR 68447 
September 29, 2023 Executive Order 14109 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees and Amendments to Other Executive Orders Exec. Order No. 14109  10 Citing References 

90. 88 FR 67277-01 
NOTICES Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability 2023 WL 6310330 

91. 88 FR 67148-01 
PROPOSED RULES Expand the Definition of a Public Assistance Household 2023 WL 6310518 

92. 88 FR 67081-01 
RULES and REGULATIONS Extension of the Flexibility in Evaluating “Close Proximity of Time” To Evaluate Changes in Healthcare Following the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency 2023 WL 6310498 

93. 88 FR 67254-02 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  
NOTICES Scoping for a Marine Mammal Take Reduction Team to Address Incidental Mortality and Serious Injury of Humpback Whale Stocks in the Pacific 2023 WL 6310299 

94. 88 FR 67424-02 
Federal Highway Administration  
NOTICES Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program; Arizona Department of Transportation Draft FHWA Audit Report 2023 WL 6310468 

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